الزواج الزيتوني

Our Wedding

ان شاء الله

October 12, 2024


The Location

فيلا بالميري

Villa Palmeraie

Join us in a peaceful, traditional villa for our wedding festivities.

مراكش، المغرب

Marrakesh, Morocco

Situated west of the foothills of the Atlas mountains, Marrakesh is a vibrant city with lots of history.



11 October 2024

حفل الحناء

Ladies' Henna Ceremony

The day before the wedding, the ladies of our group are invited to witness the bridal henna as well as choose their own henna designs.

12 October 2024, 15:00 - 20:00



The wedding will take place in a villa in Marrakesh. Specific location details to come.

13-15 October 2024

رحلة إلى الصحراء

Desert Camping Trip

We will be organizing a 3-day/2-night trip to the Sahara desert. The first night we will stay in a beautiful valley. The second day we will take a camel trek into the desert and camp in an Amazigh tent.

3 Days 2 Nights - $250 / person

How early should I arrive in Morocco?

We recommend arriving in Morocco 2 days before the wedding to account for possible travel delays and acclimation.

What is the closest airport?

There is an airport right in Marrakesh.

The largest airport in Morocco is in Casablanca, and may provide more flight options. There is a train that goes from Casablana to Marrakesh (about 3 hours).

What will the weather be like?

The temperatures for the month of October over the last 10 years have averaged highs of 84 (29C) and lows of 60 (16C).

Should I rent a car?

This is a personal decision but generally not needed, as it is relatively easy to get from place to place using trains, busses, and taxis, and driving in Morocco can be daunting if one is not used to it.

Where should I stay?

There are many beautiful hotels in Marrakesh. A list of recommended accomodation is coming soon.

How do I stay connected?

We recommend getting a free local SIM card from Maroc Telecom, Orange, or Inwi at the airport. Adding 50dh ($5) of credit will get you 7.5gb of data (internet).

Add to your calendar

Click the button below to add the wedding to your calendar. You'll receive updates and reminders as the date approaches.

Add to Calendar

Join the WhatsApp Group!

Stay up to date with the latest information and connect with other guests by joining the WhatsApp group.

Please feel free to send us any questions you have!

Are you attending?

هل ستحضر؟

Thank you ❤️❤️❤️
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لدينا عرس

متى وأين يحدث


  • الاثنين 12 أبريل 2022
    1:00 م - 2:30 م
  • 4517 برج خليفة ، الإمارات العربية المتحدة
  • +1 234-567-8910
  • See انظر الموقع


  • الاثنين 12 أبريل 2022
    1:00 م - 2:30 م
  • 4517 برج خليفة ، الإمارات العربية المتحدة
  • +1 234-567-8910
  • See انظر الموقع


  • الاثنين 12 أبريل 2022
    1:00 م - 2:30 م
  • 4517 برج خليفة ، الإمارات العربية المتحدة
  • +1 234-567-8910
  • See انظر الموقع
نشاطات المجموعات

Group Activities

In the morning prior to the wedding, we will be visiting a local olive farm in Tazouta.

October is olive season in Morocco. Learn about the traditional oil extraction method used in Amazigh olive farming.

Olive Oil Production

Shopping in the medina is a must-do in Fes. We will be organizing a guided tour of the medina.

Explore the city together while learning about fascinating history. With a local guide, you'll visit the medina, the tanneries, and more.

Fes History Tour

We will be organizing a 3-day camel trek in the Sahara desert. The trip will include a night in a Berber tent, camel rides, and a visit to the famous Erg Chebbi dunes.

3 Days 2 Nights - $200 / person

Desert Night Camping